2 novembre 2021  17:20 – 18:50

Comment maîtriser vos plus grands risques en matière d'identité numérique

Description disponible en anglais uniquement.

With the impact of Covid-19, the need to tackle digital identity is only growing. The ongoing global debates on privacy and data protection are changing opinions on how it should be tackled, including through verifiable credentials. But the conversation is often about technology choices instead of the needs of citizens and the types of services digital identity is required for.

Join a discussion focussed on considering digital identity from a strategic and service design perspective. We’ll cover questions like:

  • Who does digital identity exclude, how do we mitigate against this?
  • How will you prioritise privacy, control and convenience?
  • Do you want to solve this for the whole of society or government services? Should your system be open or closed?
  • What services actually need identity?
  • How can identity trust frameworks help?
Public Digital
Conseiller en produits numériques
Public Digital
Directrice exécutive - Cybersécurité
Gouvernement du Canada
Vice-président, Innovation de produit
Notification lors de la collecte Vos choix en matière de confidentialité